In “Scary Tales: Dark Walker,” a group of strangers awakens in a mysterious house, only to find themselves ensnared in a living nightmare. They must confront a series of terrifying adversaries, including zombies, the Muffin Man, aliens, Bigfoot, and the enigmatic Dark Walker. This horror film, directed by Geno McGahee, is a feature-length installment in the “Scary Tales” series, departing from the anthology format of its predecessors. Brent Allen Northup contributes to the ensemble cast, bringing depth to the film’s chilling narrative.
The movie premiered at multiple film festivals, including RPM Fest, where it was well-received by horror enthusiasts. It is currently available for streaming on Tubi, with plans for release on additional platforms and a special Blu-ray edition forthcoming.
“Scary Tales: Dark Walker” has garnered attention for its ambitious blend of horror elements and creature features, offering audiences a thrilling and suspenseful experience.
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